Monday, November 24, 2008

This would be a cool job

I think certain commercials obviously strike people as more powerful or influential than others based on their content and the viewers interest as well as the music and imagery used. Some commercials (McDonalds, Ditech, etc) are just terrible but others obviously have some thought and design put into them. Barring Taco Bell (I can't help it, I just have to have their new arrangements of the same ingredients as soon as they let me know about them) almost all of these effective and moving commericals are for movies or video games.

Ever since the opening scene of Karate Kid where Daniel-son is moving cross country with a scenic view of his car crossing the plains set to a soundtrack (don't ask, I don't remember what it was, just that I liked it) I always thought it would be a great job to add soundtracks to movies or commercials. Picking the right song to set the mood and match the chosen imagery is crucial to creating a good commercial or a good soundtrack.

Check these out:
Pineapple Express with "Paper Planes" by MIA

Gears of War with "Mad World" by Gary Jules
Max Payne with "If I Was Your Vampire" by Marylin Manson

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